Vision is complex, and eye exams check the health and functionality of all the crucial components that make it work. Founders Eyecare offers computer-assisted exams that include accurate testing for:
This comprehensive series of tests check your overall eye health and detects any possible vision problems that may be developing.
Dr. Joseph Raffa start their eye exams with a full medical history and discussion of your current medications and symptoms. A visual acuity test is next: it will measure the range and quality of your eyesight. They’ll also conduct an eye teaming test, which measures the ability of the eyes to work in tandem. They might conduct eye focusing tests, too, in order to measure your ability to maintain clear vision at various distances.
Regular eye exams are beneficial not only to measure vision but to check for diseases. During this exam, Dr. Raffa or Dr. Ragsdale look at the eye structure for abnormalities and perform screening tests. Some of the diseases that can be found by routine eye exams include:
Eye exams also detect work-related eye issues, a condition known as computer vision syndrome, which can arise for patients who work in front of computer screens for extended periods.
Computer vision syndrome is a fancy name for eyestrain that’s directly related to computer use. It can lead to a wide array of problems such as pain, discomfort, and a reduction in vision clarity. Founders Eyecare offers custom glasses for those suffering from computer vision syndrome that reduces the glare that comes from the screen, thus putting less stress on the eyes.
Children should undergo vision exams from the time they learn the alphabet, around age five, and every one to two years after that. Adults between the ages of 20 and 39 should be examined every five to ten years. Some cases that may require more frequent examination include contact lens wearers and those with eye-related diseases. At and after 40 years of age, adults should be examined every two to four years; every one to three years at ages 55-64; and every one to two years when age 65 or older.